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发布者:张磊 发布时间:2023-06-09 浏览次数:13


»电子邮箱:zhlei AT
»地址邮编:山东省青岛黄岛区长江西路66号中国石油大学工科楼B座石油工程学院  266580


2002.9-2006.7,中国石油大学(华东),信息与计算科学 学士;

2006.9-2009.7,中国石油大学(华东),应用数学 硕士;

2011.9-2015.7,中国石油大学(华东),油气田开发工程 博士;

2013.9-2014.9Los Alamos National Laboratory,博士联合培养


2017.8-2022.12, 中国石油大学(华东),石油工程学院,讲师



(2) 二氧化碳埋存与地下储氢

(3) 机器学习方法在油气田开发中的应用

(4) 数值模拟软件研发




《油层物理》、《Petrophysics》(留学生)、《石油工程概论》、《油气田开发工程》、《Fluid flow in Porous Media》(研究生)













1.       国家自然基金(面上项目-合作任务),考虑水影响页岩气赋存状态及流动机制研究,121723342022.1-2025.12

2.       山东省自然基金(面上项目),基于高温高压微纳流控实验和数值模拟的致密油渗吸规律研究,ZR2021ME0292022.1-2024.12

3.       山东省自然基金(博士培养项目),基于格子Boltzmann方法的致密油微纳尺度流动机理研究,ZR2016EL092016-2018

4.       中国博士后科学基金面上项目(一等资助),页岩气藏格子Boltzmann方法多尺度流动模拟研究,2015M5806212015-2017

5.       青岛市博后项目,基于孔隙网络模型的微观尺度流动模拟研究,T15020942015-2017

6.       中国石油集团川庆钻探工程有限公司页岩气勘探开发项目经理部,威远筇竹寺组页岩多层开发模式优化研究,2021

7.       中国石油化工股份有限公司胜利油田分公司,致密砂岩油藏压裂裂缝模型测试,2020

8.       山东省科学院海洋仪器仪表研究所,基于高精度成像的砂岩剩余油三维成像,2019

9.       学校国际交流基金小型国际研讨会项目,多孔介质现代渗流力学理论国际研讨会,UPCIEF20190282019.1-2019.12

10.   学校自主创新科研计划项目,基于孔隙模型的油水两相卡断机制研究及其数值模拟,18CX02031A2018-2020

11.   中国石油天然气股份有限公司勘探开发研究院,海相碳酸盐岩油藏油水润湿性及流动性的分子动力学模拟,2020-2021,(技术负责人)




1.       2022年发明创业奖创新奖一等奖,非常规油气藏多尺度表征方法与一体化开发技术,4/6

2.       2021年度中国石油和化工自动化应用协会科技进步一等奖,页岩油气藏多尺度耦合渗流模拟及高效开发关键技术与应用,5/15

3.       2021年山东省科技进步奖一等奖,非常规油气藏数值模拟关键技术及工业应用,4/12

4.       2020年度中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步奖二等奖,页岩油气藏多尺度多相多组分数值模拟与高效开发技术及应用,5/15

5.       2020.9 InterPore Rosette Award

6.       2014年度中国石油和化学工业联合会科技进步二等奖,非常规油气开发数字岩心技术及应用,11/15

7.       2014年度青岛市科技进步二等奖,基于数字岩心技术的微观渗流理论方法及其应用,11/15


1.       2020年第三届研究生教育教学成果奖二等奖,交融协同共享:一流建设学科国际化人才培养,(6/9

2.       2019年校级教学成果奖特等奖,以学生为中心,探索智慧教学,打造石油能源特色渗流力学金课,(5/24

3.       2019年校级教学成果奖一等奖,新业态驱动下的石油工程人才培养体系改革与实践,(10/12


1.       2022年学校学生就业工作优秀教师

2.       2019-2020年度学校优秀班主任

3.       2018年度国际学生心目中的好老师



1.       Zhang, L., Ping, J., Tang, B. et al. Mathematical Model of Two-Phase Spontaneous Imbibition with Dynamic Contact Angle. Transport in Porous Media. 2023, 148, 157–172.

2.       Gloire Imani, Lei Zhang*, Chao Xu, Munezero Ntibahanana, Hai Sun, and Jun Yao. Finite droplets vs long droplets: Discrepancy in release conditions in a microscopic constricted channel, Physics of Fluids 2023, 35(3), 032101.

3.       Hao, S., Xie, Z., Yang, W., Zhang, L., Wang, W., Kou, J., Wu. F., Fan, J. Wetting-State-Induced Turning of Water Droplet Moving Direction on the Surface. ACS Nano, 2023, 17(3), 2182-2189.

4.       Gloire Imani, Lei Zhang*, Chao Xu, Hai Sun, Yongfei Yang, Jun Yao. Study of the trapping mechanism of merging drops moving under thermocapillary migration on a surface with wettability contrast. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2023, 220, Part B, 111172


5.       Gloire Imani, Lei Zhang*, Martin J. Blunt Sajjad Foroughi, Munezero Ntibahanana, Hai Sun, Jun Yao. Three-dimensional simulation of droplet dynamics in a fractionally-wet constricted channel. Advances in Water Resources. 2022, 170, 104341

6.       Jing, Wenlong, Lei Zhang*, Aifen Li*, Yongfei Yang, Junjie Zhong, Hai Sun, Jun Yao. Investigation of Pore-Scale Remaining Oil Dynamic Evolution in Heterogeneous Marine Carbonate Using Real-Time Computed Tomography Scanning, Energy & Fuels, 2022, 36(15): 8180-88.

7.       Imani G., Zhang L.*, Blunt M. J., et al. Quantitative determination of the threshold pressure for a discontinuous phase to pass through a constriction using microscale simulation[J]. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2022, 153: 104107.

8.       Yang Y., Liu F., Yao J., et al. Multi-scale reconstruction of porous media from low-resolution core images using conditional generative adversarial networks[J]. Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2022: 104411.


9.       Zhu Guangpu, Zhang Lei*, Yao Jun*. Energy capillary number reveals regime transition of imbibition in porous media. Physics of Fluids, 2021, 33(12): 123111.

10.    Zhang, Lei, Jingjing Ping, Pinghua Shu, Chao Xu, Aoyang Li, Qingdong Zeng, Pengfei Liu, Hai Sun*, Yongfei Yang, and Jun Yao. The Influence of Fracture on the Permeability of Carbonate Reservoir Formation Using Lattice Boltzmann Method. Water, 2021; 13(22):3162.

11.    景文龙, 李博涵, 杨守磊, 张磊, 孙海, 杨永飞, 李爱芬. 基于TensorFlow的均质数字岩心渗透率预测方法及应用[J]. 中国石油大学学报:自然科学版, 2021, 45(4):108-113.

12.    Xiaofei Zhu Sen Wang, Qihong Feng, Lei Zhang, Li Chen*, Wenquan Tao, Pore-scale numerical prediction of three-phase relative permeability in porous media using the lattice Boltzmann method, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 126, 105403.

13.    Yongfei Yang, Shaobin Cai, Jun Yao, Junjie Zhong, Kai Zhang, Wenhui Song, Lei Zhang, Hai Sun and Vadim Lisitsa. Pore-scale simulation of remaining oil distribution in 3D porous media affected by wettability and capillarity based on volume of fluid method. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2021, 143: 103746

14.    Yaohao Guo, Lei Zhang, Yongfei Yang, Zhi Xu, Bo Bao. Pore-scale investigation of immiscible displacement in rough fractures. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021, 207: 109107

15.    Lei Zhang*, Chao Xu, Yaohao Guo, Guangpu Zhu, Shiyu Cai, Xin Wang, Wenlong Jing, Hai Sun, Yongfei Yang, Jun Yao. The effect of surface roughness on immiscible displacement using pore scale simulation. Transport in Porous Media, 2021(140): 713-725

16.    Wenlong Jing, Shuaishi Fu, Lei Zhang*, Aifen Li*, Xiaoxia Ren, Chao Xu, Ziheng Gao. Pore scale experimental and numerical study of surfactant flooding for enhanced oil recovery. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 2021, 196: 107999


17.    张磊, 康立新, 景文龙, 郭曜豪, 孙海, 杨永飞, 姚军. 基于孔隙-喉道双通道模型的油水两相流动形态分析. 中国石油大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 44(5): 89-93.

18.    Guo, Y.; Zhang, L. *; Zhu, G.; Yao, J. *; Sun, H.; Song, W.; Yang, Y.; Zhao, J. A Pore-Scale Investigation of Residual Oil Distributions and Enhanced Oil Recovery Methods. Energies 2019, 12(19), 3732.

19.    Zhang, L., Zhang, C., Zhang, K. *, Zhang, L. *, Yao, J., Sun, H., & Yang, Y. Porescale investigation of methane hydrate dissociation using the lattice Boltzmann method. Water Resources Research, 2019, 55, 8422-8444.

20.    Zhang L*, Jing W, Yang Y, Yang H, Guo Y, Sun H, Zhao J, Yao J. The Investigation of Permeability Calculation Using Digital Core Simulation Technology. Energies. 2019; 12(17):3273.


1.       张磊,郭曜豪,姚军,孙海,杨永飞,王鑫,杨谦洪. 一种基于Voronoi图的二维多孔介质模型构建方法,ZL201910133449.82023.4.14

2.       张磊,徐超,李博涵,杨守磊,蔡诗妤,董田田,卢恩兴,郭曜豪,孙海,杨永飞,姚军. 基于CT扫描技术和Gabriel图的非均质多孔介质模型构建方法,ZL202011245688.12020.11.10

3.       张磊,姚军,刘鹏飞,杨永飞,万玉金,苏云河,李爱芬,刘磊. 用于确定裂缝溶洞分布对储层渗透性影响的方法和装置,ZL201610833467.32019.04.16

4.       张磊,刘磊,姚军,孙海,杨永飞,赵建林,安森友,张琦. 一种基于侵蚀-膨胀算法的数字岩心两相流模拟结果定量表征方法,ZL201610205934.82018.10.26


1.       15th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media, Valencia, Spain, May 22 - 25, 2023.

Oral: Microscopic flow simulation considering organic matter distribution based on deep learning

Poster: Discontinuous Phase Flow in Porous Media: A Pore-scale Approach

2.       13th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media, 2021Organizing Committee

3.       12th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media, 2020Organizing Committee CoChair

4.       11th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media, Valencia, Spain, May 6 - 10, 2019. Pore Scale Simulation of Coupled multiple physicochemical processes for Methane Hydrate Dissociation using Lattice Boltzmann Method

5.       10th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media, New Orleans, USA, May 14 - 17, 2018. Investigation of two-phase flow in a new pore doublet model

6.       9th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media, Rotterdam, The Netherlands, May 8 - 11, 2017. MS2.3: Pore-scale study of fluid flow in tight porous media

7.       3rd International Workshop on Digital Core Analysis Technology, Qingdao, China, August 11-14, 2016.  Micro&Nano-Scale Simulation in Unconventional Reservoir with Lattice Boltzmann Method

8.       8th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media, Cincinnati, USA, May 9 - 12, 2016. The effect of wettability and soak time on hydraulic fracturing with lattice Boltzmann method in tight reservoirs

9.       5th Micro/Nanoscale Heat and Mass Transfer Conference, Biopolis, Singapore, January 10, 2016. (Co-Chair)

10.     Porescale simulation with lattice Boltzmann method in digital core and pore-network model. LowPerm2015 conference, Rueil-Malmaison, France, June 10, 2015.

11.     Porescale simulation in shale digital core using lattice Boltzmann method. International Conference on Fluid Mechanics (ICFM), Qingdao China, May 27, 2015.

12.     7th International Conference on Porous Media & Annual Meeting of the International Society for Porous Media, Padova, Italy, May 18 - 21, 2015. (Co-Chair)


主要从事非常规油气藏数字岩心构建及微观流动模拟、地下储碳储氢等方面的科研工作,主持和参与国家自然科学基金重点项目、国家科技重大专项、山东省自然科学基金、以及企业合作项目20余项。在国内外期刊发表SCI/EI论文70余篇,授权发明专利5项、软件著作权4项。研究成果获山东省科技进步奖一等奖1项、其他省部级奖励3项,担任国际多孔介质协会2020年年会联合主席、2021年组委会委员,并获得2020InterPore Rosette贡献奖,目前是InterPore会籍委员会理事成员。